RAMI4ATM phase
Users may find here every dataset and definitions related to the RAMI4ATM phase.
A JSON file with all experiments available for RAMI4ATM phase.DownloadRAMI4ATM experiments description JSON fileEnglishAn ascii file with the list of all experiments available for RAMI4ATM phase.DownloadRAMI4ATM experiments namesEnglish
An example of Jupyter Notebook used to illustrate how RAMI4ATM participants may load the **user mode** parameters for each scenario, perform their simulations and save their results.DownloadJupyter Notebook file for testcasesEnglish
An excel sheet file with measured spectral responses for each band of Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI).DownloadSentinel-2 Spectral Response FunctionsEnglish
An ascii file with spectral reflectances parameters of the Lambertian models.DownloadRAMI4ATM lambertian spectral parametersEnglishAn ascii file with spectral parameters of the RPV model.DownloadRAMI4ATM RPV spectral parametersEnglishAn ascii file with spectral parameters of the Ross-Li model.DownloadRAMI4ATM Ross-Li spectral parametersEnglishAn ascii file with structural properties of the leaves for Homogeneous discrete canopies with isotropic background.DownloadRAMI4ATM leaf distribution parameterEnglishAn ascii file with leaf optical properties for Homogeneous discrete canopies with isotropic background models.DownloadRAMI4ATM leaves parameterEnglishDefinition file of the Homegeneous Discrete Canopies model for a Planophile LAD (HOM25_LAM).DownloadPlanophile canopy modelEnglishDefinition file of the Homegeneous Discrete Canopies model for a Erectophile LAD (HOM35_LAM).DownloadErectophile canopy modelEnglishDefinition file of the Homegeneous Discrete Canopies model for a Uniform LAD (HOM45_LAM).DownloadUniform canopy modelEnglish
An ascii file with standard and rescaled vertical content of water vapour and ozone for Molecular Absorption.DownloadRAMI4ATM molecular rescaling parametersEnglishAn ascii file with AFGL US-Standard atmospheric profile used in RAMI4ATM phase.DownloadAFGL US-standard atmospheric profileEnglish
DownloadAerosols archiveEnglishAn archive with all continental and desert aerosol files needed for radiative and refractive properties also available below in uncompressed format:
- Radiative properties
An ascii file defining the radiative properties of the continental particles.DownloadContinental aerosol radiative propertiesEnglish
An ascii file defining the properties of the desert.DownloadDesert aerosol radiative propertiesEnglish
- Refractive properties
An ascii file defining the refractive properties of the continental particles.DownloadContinental aerosol refractive propertiesEnglishAn ascii file defining the refractive properties of the desert.DownloadDesert aerosol refractive propertiesEnglish