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European Commission
RAMI website

RAMI 1 phase

1999 - 2000

  1. March 1999 - August 1999
    Active submission period
  2. January 2000
    On-line results publication

The first phase of the RAMI initiative is closed now.

Information regarding the structural and spectral properties of the proposed test cases, the nature of the various measurements that had to be performed, and the many results statistics and testacases of this phase can be viewed through the links below.

Radiation Transfer Model Intercomparison (RAMI) Exercise
Pinty, B., N. Gobron, J.-L. Widlowski , S. A. W. Gerstl, M. M. Verstraete, M. Antunes, C. Bacour, F. Gascon, J.-P. Gastellu, N. Goel, S. Jacquemoud, P. North, W. Qin, and R. Thompson, Radiation Transfer Model Intercomparison (RAMI) Exercise, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2001, 106, D11, 11937-11956, DOI: 10.1029/2000JD900493.

Information regarding the structural and spectral properties of the proposed testcases, the nature of the various measurements that had to be performed, and the many results statistics and RT model simulations of this phase can be viewed here:

Information on the participating RT models of the first phase of the RAMI initiative can be found through the 'Models' link:


The following page provides access to Models and References that took part in the first RAMI phase.

The long term effort implied by the organization of such an intercomparison campaign can only be sustained through team work. The overall scientific leadership for this first RAMI exercise was provided by Sig Gerstl and Bernard Pinty in the framework of the ENAMORS project, with the active participation of Nadine Gobron and Jean-Luc Widlowski, who created the images and provided the detailed specifications of the protocols for the various experiments. They also designed and ran the computer codes necessary to analyze the results and generate the graphical output provided here. Michel Verstraete designed and maintained the initial RAMI web site, while Gianni Napoli was the 'Sysadmin' provided the technical support and enabling the technologies necessary to implement these ideas.