2019 - 2015
The active submission period of the fourth phase of RAMI is now closed. Submitted simulation results are currently being analysed.
RAMI IV featured a completely new set of experiments that can be grouped into two separate categories:
Access to the various experiment description pages can be obtained by clicking on the corresponding images above.
First time users, on the other hand, may want to explore the various test cases of this fifth RAMI phase by using the hierarchic link provided below. In addition, a synoptic overview table is also provided to give direct access to all testcases summary of RAMI IV.
Information regarding the structural and spectral properties of the proposed testcases, the nature of the various measurements that had to be performed, and the many results statistics and RT model simulations of this phase can be viewed here:
Information on the participating RT models of the fourth phase of the RAMI initiative can be found through the 'Models' link: