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European Commission
RAMI website

RAMI IV phase

2019 - 2015

  1. February 2009 - June 2009
    Active submission period
  2. February 2009 - January 2010
    Active submission period
  3. June 2013
    On-line results publication
  4. June 2013
    Scientific Publication
  5. November 2015
    On-line results publication
  6. November 2015
    Scientific Publication

The active submission period of the fourth phase of RAMI is now closed. Submitted simulation results are currently being analysed.

RAMI IV featured a completely new set of experiments that can be grouped into two separate categories:

  • Abstract canopies, contain both homogeneous (HOM) and heterogeneous (HET) leaf canopies that are both exclusively composed of disc-shaped finite-sized scatterers. These test cases are all based upon similar experiments from previous phases of RAMI. Note, however, that the number of the prescribed measurements differs between the HOM and HET canopy scenes.
  • Actual canopies, are reconstructed from detailed inventories of both the structural and spectral properties of existing plantations and forest stands. Canopy descriptions therefore contain a large amount of statistics that should allow different types of RT models to implement the stand architectures and to generate a variety of radiative quantities in multiple spectral bands in the solar domain (as well as under conservative scattering conditions). Note, that the number of prescribed measurements differs between the forest and plantation scenes.

Access to the various experiment description pages can be obtained by clicking on the corresponding images above.

First time users, on the other hand, may want to explore the various test cases of this fifth RAMI phase by using the hierarchic link provided below. In addition, a synoptic overview table is also provided to give direct access to all testcases summary of RAMI IV.

Anisotropic background (HOM)
This figure exhibits Anisotropic background (HOM).
Two-layer canopy (HOM)
This figure exhibits Two-layer canopy (HOM).
Adjacent canopies (HOM)
This figure exhibits Adjacent canopies (HOM).
Anisotropic background (HET)
This figure exhibits Anisotropic background (HET).
Two-layer canopies (HET)
This figure exhibits Two-layer canopies (HET).
Constant slope (HET)
This figure exhibits Constant slope (HET).
Järvselja pine stand (summer), Estonia
This figure exhibits Järvselja pine stand (summer), Estonia.
Ofenpass pine stand (winter), Switzerland
This figure exhibits Ofenpass pine stand (winter), Switzerland.
Järvselja birch stand (summer), Estonia
This figure exhibits Järvselja birch stand (summer), Estonia.
Wellington citrus orchard, South Africa
This figure exhibits Wellington citrus orchard, South Africa.
Järvselja birch stand (winter), Estonia
This figure exhibits Järvselja birch stand (winter), Estonia.
Lombardy short rotation forest, Italy
This figure exhibits Lombardy short rotation forest, Italy.
The fourth Radiation Transfer Model Intercomparison (RAMI-IV): Proficiency Testing of Canopy Reflectance Models with ISO-13528
Widlowski J.-L., Pinty B., Lopatka M., Atzberger C., Buzica D., Chelle M., Disney M., Gastellu-Etchegorry J. P., Gerboles M., Gobron N., Grau E., Huang H., Kallel A., Kobayashi H., Lewis P., Qin W., Schlerf M., Stuckens J. and Xie D., The fourth Radiation Transfer Model Intercomparison (RAMI-IV): Proficiency Testing of Canopy Reflectance Models with ISO-13528, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 2013, 118, D09111, 13, DOI: 10.1002/jgrd.50497.
The fourth phase of the radiative transfer model intercomparison (RAMI) exercise: Actual canopy scenarios and conformity testing
Widlowski J.-L., Mio C., Disney M., Adams J., Andredakis I., Atzberger C., Brennan J., Busetto L., Chelle M., Ceccherini G., Colombo R., Côté J-F., Eenmäe A., Essery R., Gastellu-Etchegorry J. P., Gobron N., Grau E., Haverd V., Homolová L., Huang H., Hunt L., Kobayashi H., Koetz B., Kuusk A., Kuusk J., Lang M., Lewis P., Lovell J. L., Malenovsky Z., Meroni M., Morsdorf F., Mõttus M., Ni-Meister W., Pinty B., Rautiainen M., Schlerf M., Somers B., Stuckens J., Verstraete M. M., Yang W., Zhao F. and Zenone T., The fourth phase of the radiative transfer model intercomparison (RAMI) exercise: Actual canopy scenarios and conformity testing, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2015, 169, 418-437, DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2015.08.016.

Information regarding the structural and spectral properties of the proposed testcases, the nature of the various measurements that had to be performed, and the many results statistics and RT model simulations of this phase can be viewed here:

Information on the participating RT models of the fourth phase of the RAMI initiative can be found through the 'Models' link:


The following page provides access to both the various test cases defined for RAMI-IV phase.