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European Commission
RAMI website

RAMI 3 phase

2005 - 2007

  1. March 2005 - July 2005
    Active submission period
  2. March 2005 - December 2005
    Active submission period
  3. March 2007
    On-line results publication

The third phase of the RAMI exercise is now officially closed. 18 different RT models from all over the globe have been participating in the various experiments of RAMI 3.
First results (homogeneous cases only) were presented at the ISPMSRS meeting in October 2005 in Beijing, China. A more comprehensive presentation of the RAMI 3 results was given at the IWMMM-4 workshop in Sydney, Australia in March 2006.

The experiments of RAMI 3, which built upon and extended the scope of previous RAMI phases, have been constructed around two major components:

Homogeneous scenes, which require the simulation of a standard set of radiative quantities in both the solar domain and under conservative scattering conditions for discrete and turbid-medium canopy representations. Here, the repetition of experiments known from previous RAMI phases offers the possibility to re-evaluate veteran models, as well as to welcome newcomers.

Homogeneous turbid cases in the solar domain
Homogeneous turbid cases in the solar domain
Homogeneous turbid cases in the purist corner
Homogeneous turbid cases in the purist corner
Homogeneous discrete cases in the solar domain
Homogeneous discrete cases in the solar domain
Homogeneous discrete cases in the purist corner
Homogeneous discrete cases in the purist corner

Heterogenous scenes, which have been subdivided into

  1. the Floating Spheres baseline scenarios requiring to simulate a standard set of radiative quantities in the solar domain and under conservative scattering conditions for both discrete and turbid-medium canopy representations, and
  2. the Advanced Cases where additional measurement configurations within structurally complex environments may be required.

Heterogeneous turbid cases in the solar domain
Heterogeneous turbid cases in the solar domain
Heterogeneous turbid cases in the purist corner
Heterogeneous turbid cases in the purist corner
Discrete floating spheres in the solar domain
Discrete floating spheres in the solar domain
Discrete floating spheres in the purist corner
Discrete floating spheres in the purist corner

Heterogeneous conifer forest no topography
Heterogeneous conifer forest no topography
Heterogeneous real zoom-in
Heterogeneous real zoom-in
Heterogeneous conifer forest topography
Heterogeneous conifer forest topography
Heterogeneous birchstand
Heterogeneous birchstand

Access to the various experiment description pages can be obtained by clicking on the corresponding images above. First time users, on the other hand, may want to explore the various test cases of this RAMI phase by using the hierarchic link provided below. In addition, a synoptic overview table is also provided to give direct access to all experiments of RAMI 3 and their associated measurements.

The third RAdiation transfer Model Intercomparison (RAMI) exercise: Documenting progress in canopy reflectance modelling
Widlowski, J-L., M. Taberner, B. Pinty, V. Bruniquel-Pinel, M. Disney, R. Fernandes, J.-P. Gastellu-Etchegorry, N. Gobron, A. Kuusk, T. Lavergne, S. Leblanc, P. Lewis, E. Martin, M. Mottus, P. J. R. North, W. Qin, M.Robustelli, N. Rochdi, R.Ruiloba, C.Soler, R.Thompson, W. Verhoef, M. M.Verstraete, and D. Xie, The third RAdiation transfer Model Intercomparison (RAMI) exercise: Documenting progress in canopy reflectance modelling, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2007, 112, D09111, 28, DOI: 10.1029/2006JD007821.

Access to descriptions of the various experiments and measurements, as well as the corresponding model simulations and results statistics can be obtained through the links provided below.

Information regarding the structural and spectral properties of the proposed testcases, the nature of the various measurements that had to be performed, and the many results statistics and RT model simulations of this phase can be viewed here:

Information on the participating RT models of the third phase of the RAMI initiative can be found through the 'Models and References' link:

Models and References

The following page provides access to both the various test cases defined for RAMI 3 phase.