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Homogeneous discrete cases with anisotropic background

RAMI IV phase

This set of experiments is suggested to simulate the radiative transfer regime in the red and near infra-red spectral bands for homogeneous leaf canopies composed of a large number of non overlapping disc-shaped objects representing the foliage elements.
These scatterers are located within a slab-like volume overlaying a NON-LAMBERTIAN horizontal plane standing for the underlying background condition (which could be snow, bare soil or understorey vegetation).
To address the needs of different RT models, both a statistical scene description, as well as a file with the exact coordinates of every single scatterer in the canopy are provided.

The BRF of the anisotropically scattering background (which is intended to represent snow, bare soil and understorey vegetation conditions, respectively) is expressed with the parametric RPV model. Participants who wish to fit their own anisotropic background model to the RPV-simulated BRF data should inform the RAMI coordinators of this via the report files.

Graphical representation of such a scene
The figure exhibits a graphical representation of such a scene.

The foliage objects are randomly distributed finite size disc-shaped scatterers characterized by the specified radiative properties (reflectance, transmittance), and the orientation of the normals to the scatterers followed either an erectophile or a planophile distribution function. The particular values selected for the various input variables represent typical plant canopy conditions with bare soil, snow or green understorey as lower boundary condition (background).

The tables below provide the details required to execute each of the experiments in this category. Every table is preceded by the corresponding experiment identifier tag that is needed in the naming of the various measurement results files (see file naming and formatting conventions).

The first set of homogeneous discrete experiments refers to a vegetation canopy with a planophile leaf normal distribution and a scatterer radius of 0.05 m. An ASCII file with the radius (R), centre coordinates (Xc,Yc,Zc), and direction cosines (Dx,Dy,Dz) of every single leaf in a 25×25 m² canopy section can be found here. The file (is ~ 3.5 Mbytes and) contains 79577 lines of format R Xc Yc Zc Dx Dy Dz that may serve as input to your scene creation process (to save it you have to select the central frame of the web browser before saving its content). A resume of some statistical properties of the content of this ASCII file can be seen here:

In addition, the tables below provide an overview of the structural and spectral properties of these leaf canopies. Two spectral bands (red and NIR) and two illumination conditions (direct only with SZA=20° and 50°) are proposed for three different background anisotropy scenarios, referred to as HOM23, HOM24 and HOM25 in the tables below. The difference between experiments HOM23, HOM24 and HOM25 thus lies only in the BRF of the anisotropically scattering background (assumed to be reminiscent of snow, bare soil, and understorey vegetation). The background BRF is described by the three parameter of the RPV model.

Some statistical properties
The figure exhibits a resume of some statistical properties of the content of this ASCII file.

The next set of homogeneous discrete experiments refers to a vegetation canopy with a erectophile leaf normal distribution and a scatterer radius of 0.05 m. An ASCII file with the radius (R), centre coordinates (Xc,Yc,Zc), and direction cosines (Dx,Dy,Dz) of every single leaf in a 25×25 m² canopy section can be found here. The file is ~ 3.5 Mbytes and) contains 79577 lines of format R Xc Yc Zc Dx Dy Dz that may serve as input to your scene creation process (to save it you have to select the central frame of the web browser before saving its content). A resume of some statistical properties of the content of this ASCII file can be seen here:

In addition, the tables below provide an overview of the structural and spectral properties of these leaf canopies. Two spectral bands (red and NIR) and two illumination conditions (direct only with SZA=20° and 50°) are proposed for three different background anisotropy scenarios, referred to as HOM33, HOM34 and HOM35 in the tables below. The difference between experiments HOM33, HOM34 and HOM35 thus lies only in the BRF of the anisotropically scattering background (assumed to be reminiscent of snow, bare soil, and understorey vegetation). The background BRF is described by the three parameter of the RPV model.

Some statistical properties
The figure exhibits a resume of some statistical properties of the content of this ASCII file.