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Satellite BRF for selected geometries

This measure brf_sat implements the BRF under different geometries, as derived from the actual geometries of $\theta_i,\phi_i,\theta_r,\phi_r$ of a specific satellite instrument (OLCI, MODIS, ...) over relevant sites during 2017. To do that, each canopy has been associated to a specific geographic location. The geometries are provided for each of them as representative of northern hemisphere Winter (DJF), Spring (MAM) and Summer (JJA) season.
As OLCI (MODIS) has a revisiting time of 27 (16) days, a complete sequence for each season is extracted and provided in three separated blocks in a unique file. They contain date, time and the angles $\theta_i,\phi_i,\theta_r,\phi_r$ to be used for BRF calculations, which should be performed for all <BAND> bands requested by the experiment.

Altough the illumination conditions change in time, and we would expect they define different _zZZaAAA_ tags in the filename, we fix the geometry tag to _zS3OLCI_, _zTMODIS_, _zS2MSI_, for Sentinel-3 OLCI, Terra MODIS and Sentinel-2 MSI respectively, grouping the output results in single files to avoid dispersion of data across many files.

The output file should contain the 5 input columns of the files containing the geometrical informations and linked in the table below (dateTtime,sza,saa,vza,vaa), followed by the BRF for:

  1. the 8 OLCI bands (O03,O04,O06,O08,O10,O11,O12,O17) for the files with <ILLUMINATION> tag equal to _zS3OLCI, or
  2. i
  3. the 7 RAMI-V bands (O08,O17,O03,O06,MD5,M11,MD7) for the files with <ILLUMINATION> tag equal to _zTMODIS,
  4. the 10 RAMI-V bands (O03,O04,O06,O08,O11,O12,M08,O17,M11,M12) to emulate Sentinel-2 MSI bands (<ILLUMINATION> tag _zS2MSI).

For clarification of the correspondency between RAMI-V and instruments' spectral bands see definition RAMI-V spectral bands.

Note: for MSI only the brf simulation should be referred to an area of 20x20 m around the center of the scene (0,0 or 50,50 depending on the scene's coordinates system; please note that the center of HET51 scene is 90,150).

Graphical representation of the area pertinent to brf_sat measure for MSI sensor only, and its position with respect the entire scene. For OLCI and MODIS instead, the brf signal originates from the full scene.
Graphical representation of the area pertinent to brf_sat measure for MSI sensor only, and its position with respect the entire scene. For OLCI and MODIS instead, the brf signal originates from the full scene.

The latter file is meant to emulate all MODIS bands from B1 (i.e. O08 is considered here representative of MODIS Band 1) to B7 (MD7).

Scene Geometry Num of Geometry Num of Geometry Num of
Site (OLCI) cases (MODIS) cases (MSI) cases
olci_jar.txt 75 modis_jar.txt 97 msi_jar.txt 9
olci_jar.txt 75 modis_jar.txt 97 msi_jar.txt 9
olci_jar.txt 75 modis_jar.txt 97 msi_jar.txt 9
olci_jar.txt 75 modis_jar.txt 97 msi_jar.txt 9
olci_wel.txt 46 modis_wel.txt 57 msi_wel.txt 18
olci_zer.txt 54 modis_zer.txt 68 msi_zer.txt 12
olci_sku.txt 42 modis_sku.txt 55 msi_sku.txt 14
Wytham Wood
olci_wwo.txt 63 modis_wwo.txt 80 msi_wwo.txt 8
Table 1: input geometries to be used for corresponding actual canopies

The following table contains the links to the input geometries to be used for all abstract canopies. The longitude used to generate them is common to all rows and equal to 22.5°.

Scene Latitude Geometry (S3 OLCI) Geometry (Terra MODIS) Geometry (S2 MSI)
All Abstract -30.0 olci_30S.txt (51) modis_30S.txt (364) msi_30S.txt (9)
All Abstract -15.0 olci_15S.txt (44) modis_15S.txt (322) msi_15S.txt (9)
All Abstract 0.0 olci_00N.txt (41) modis_00N.txt (81) msi_00N.txt (9)
All Abstract 15.0 olci_15N.txt (45) modis_15N.txt (323) msi_15N.txt (9)
All Abstract 30.0 olci_30N.txt (52) modis_30N.txt (364) msi_30N.txt (9)
All Abstract 45.0 olci_45N.txt (65) modis_45N.txt (364) msi_45N.txt (19)
All Abstract 60.0 olci_60N.txt (66) modis_60N.txt (364) msi_60N.txt (16)
Table 2: input geometries to be used for all abstract canopies

Particular attention should be made while naming the output files for brf_sat, as a slightly different TAGS definition is used to reduce the whole number of submitted files. As the BRF results for different bands are reported in columns, the <BAND> tag is set to a generic MLT (multiple).

Hence, for example the file name for actual scenario HET07_JPS_SUM and Sentinel-3 OLCI geometries should look like HET07_JPS_SUM_MLT_zS3OLCI-brf_sat_<mymodel>.mes and the file will contain 5 (input)+8 (brf results) = 13 columns. For the Terra MODIS it should look like HET07_JPS_SUM_MLT_sTMODIS-brf_sat_<mymodel>.mes and the file will contain 5+7 = 12 columns.

Differently from actual canopies, which are linked to a single geographical location (Table 1), the experiment for abstract canopies should be performed over different locations from 30S to 60N latitude (Table 2). As a specific tag for the geographical location was not foreseen to differentiate output files, the results obtained over 7 different sites the abstract scenarios only, shall be concatenated within a single file as summarized in Table 3, by identifying each block with the name of the input geometries. The file naming convention is the same used for actual canopy experiments (ex. HOM23_DIS_P1A_MLT_zS3OLCI-brf_sat_<mymodel>.mes).

# olci_30S.txt 
[ $N_30S$ rows x 13 column matrix] 
# olci_15S.txt  
[ $N_15S$ x 13 matrix] 
# … 
# olci_60N.txt 
[$N_60N$ x 13 matrix] 
Table 3: $N_i$ are the lengths of the corresponding geometry’s files.


Header line content Header line format
# rows %4d
# columns in file %4d
Ratio of filtered rays * %.6f

Columns content

Body lines content Body lines format
Date Time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
YYYY: four-digit year

MM: two-digit month (ex: 01=Jan)
DD: two-digit day of month (01-31)
hh: two digits of hour (00-23)
mm: two digits of minute (00-59)
ss: two digits of second (00-59)
$\theta_i$ [degree] %.2f
$\phi_i$ [degree] %.2f
$\theta_r$ [degree] %.2f
$\phi_r$ [degree] %.2f
BRFs for either OLCI or MODIS or MSI band list %.6f


  • $\theta_i$: Solar Zenith Angle;
  • $\phi_i$: Solar Azimuth Angle;
  • $\theta_r$: Viewing Zenith Angle
  • $\phi_r$: Viewing Azimuth Angle

zS3OLCI All Abstract (8 bands O03,O04,O06,O08,O10,O11,O12,O17)

364	13	-1.000000
# olci_30S.txt
2019-01-01T08:13:41	31.90	85.79	6.87	-77.06	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
2019-01-02T07:47:54	37.60	89.29	36.77	106.15	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
2019-01-05T08:10:00	33.23	85.95	0.68	103.19	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
# olci_15S.txt
2019-01-01T08:09:39	34.81	108.88	22.55	103.46	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
2019-01-04T08:31:46	30.05	109.62	22.38	-77.94	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
2019-01-05T08:05:59	36.04	107.98	29.11	103.71	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
# olci_00N.txt								
2019-01-01T08:05:37	42.64	125.25	44.67	102.64	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
2019-01-04T08:27:44	38.35	128.52	5.10	102.55	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
2019-01-05T08:01:57	43.60	123.91	49.15	102.66	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
# olci_15N.txt									
2019-01-03T08:49:29	45.71	145.34	20.88	-76.61	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
2019-01-04T08:23:41	49.53	138.98	30.71	101.76	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
2019-01-07T08:45:49	46.13	143.57	13.61	-76.85	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
# olci_30N.txt									
2019-01-03T08:45:28	58.95	150.53	8.70	102.80	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
2019-01-04T08:19:35	61.93	144.45	47.16	99.67	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
2019-01-07T08:41:47	59.15	148.98	15.46	102.33	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
# olci_45N.txt									
2019-01-02T09:07:16	70.74	158.90	3.83	-74.57	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
2019-01-03T08:41:23	72.56	152.80	32.90	100.92	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
2019-01-04T08:15:24	74.82	146.91	56.12	96.43	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
# olci_60N.txt									
2019-01-19T08:22:21	85.15	147.74	55.07	94.71	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
2019-01-22T08:44:42	83.17	152.45	42.18	99.49	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
2019-01-25T09:06:59	81.33	157.28	24.16	104.23	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458

zTMODIS All Abstract (7 bands O08,O17,O03,O06,MD5,M11,MD7)

2182	12	-1.000000
# modis_30S.txt
2017-01-01T12:00:00	21.18	75.93	41.29	-83.11	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
2017-01-02T12:00:00	33.1	86.37	52.01	103.22	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
2017-01-03T12:00:00	24.04	78.66	21.44	-81.63	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
# modis_15S.txt
2017-01-01T12:00:00	23.48	113.39	19.58	-82.29	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
2017-01-03T12:00:00	26.37	111.22	8.93	99.86	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
2017-01-04T12:00:00	17.04	119.21	62.03	-83.43	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
# modis_00N.txt											
2017-01-01T12:00:00	33.02	135.74	10.66	99.66	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
2017-01-02T12:00:00	26.55	150.47	62.55	-81.34	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
2017-01-03T12:00:00	35.29	132.11	36.44	98.68	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
# modis_15N.txt								
2017-01-01T12:00:00	45.39	146.29	36.55	98.14	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
2017-01-02T12:00:00	40.56	158.75	48.66	-79.86	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
2017-01-03T12:00:00	47.09	142.8	53.21	96.27	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
# modis_30N.txt			
2017-01-01T12:00:00	58.75	151.35	51.79	95.27	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
2017-01-02T12:00:00	55.03	162.16	23.38	-79.89	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
2017-01-03T12:00:00	60.03	148.13	62.24	94.08	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
# modis_45N.txt											
2017-01-01T12:00:00	72.43	153.57	59.64	92.75	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
2017-01-02T12:00:00	69.59	163.48	11.16	102.81	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
2017-01-03T12:00:00	68.02	173.8	48.98	-72.02	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
# modis_60N.txt											
2017-01-01T12:00:00	83.03	176.37	22.64	-69.23	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
2017-01-02T12:00:00	84.15	163.55	37.38	99.34	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
2017-01-03T12:00:00	82.98	173.3	9.25	-72.71	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457

zS2MSI All Abstract (10 bands O03,O04,O06,O08,O11,O12,M08,O17,M11,M12)

80	15	-1.000000
# msi_30S.txt
2019-01-08T08:13:21	27.53	80.79	3.56	120.28	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
2019-01-18T08:12:51	29	78.27	3.56	120.29	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
2019-01-28T08:12:11	30.59	74.61	3.58	120.19	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
# msi_15S.txt														
2019-01-04T08:33:31	24.95	111.94	7.84	-66.03	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
2019-01-14T08:33:11	25.59	108.26	7.84	-66.03	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
2019-01-24T08:32:31	26.03	103.28	7.83	-66	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
# msi_00N.txt																												
2019-01-07T08:43:31	32.33	135.4	1.37	-139.01	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
2019-01-17T08:43:01	32.01	131.98	1.37	-139.04	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
2019-01-27T08:42:21	31.2	127.75	1.37	-139.14	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
# msi_15N.txt																												
2019-01-10T08:53:31	43.21	148.35	6.68	113.01	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
2019-01-20T08:53:01	42.16	145.83	6.69	112.98	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
2019-01-30T08:52:11	40.51	142.96	6.69	113.03	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
# msi_30N.txt																												
2019-01-06T09:13:51	55.42	159.2	4.12	-95.52	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
2019-01-16T09:13:21	54.28	157.5	4.13	-95.45	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
2019-01-26T09:12:41	52.46	155.73	4.14	-95.47	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
# msi_45N.txt													
2019-01-02T09:34:01	69.13	166.18	5.27	-89.37	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
2019-01-09T09:23:51	68.95	162.85	10.46	110.25	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
2019-01-12T09:33:41	68.08	164.88	5.29	-89.28	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
# msi_60N.txt														
2019-01-18T09:53:31	81.15	168.95	7.3	117.82	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
2019-01-21T10:03:21	80.31	171.04	3.74	-51.24	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346
2019-01-28T09:52:51	78.88	168.09	7.28	117.85	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.12346

zS3OLCI HET07_JPS_SUM (8 bands O03,O04,O06,O08,O10,O11,O12,O17)

75	13	-1.000000
# olci_jar.txt
2017-01-26T09:07:05	78.54	161.59	0.68	106.95	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
2017-01-27T08:41:10	79.55	155.36	27.71	103.03	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458
2017-01-28T08:15:10	80.90	149.19	47.90	97.60	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458

zTMODIS: HET07_JPS_SUM (7 bands O08,O17,O03,O06,MD5,M11,MD7)

97	12	-1.000000
# modis_jar.txt
2017-01-01T08:40:06	83.45	158.25	52.94	96.21	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
2017-01-01T10:17:59	81.11	-179.18	43.93	-63.20	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457
2017-01-02T09:23:04	81.73	167.96	14.47	105.13	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457

zS2MSI HET07_JPS_SUM (10 bands O03,O04,O06,O08,O11,O12,M08,O17,M11,M12)

9	15	-1.000000
# msi_jar.txt
2017-02-14T12:00:00    71.70   169.47     7.85   -79.36	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.123460
2017-03-06T12:00:00    64.30   169.47     7.87   -79.33	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.123460
2017-03-13T12:00:00    61.80   166.86     3.74   128.99	0.123451	0.123452	0.123453	0.123454	0.123455	0.123456	0.123457	0.123458	0.123459	0.123460