BRF in the cross plane for single-scattered radiation collided by the soil
The following three measurements are geometrically defined as brfop. Nevertheless, for
They can be computed for all scenes, bands and illumination conditions defined for brfop.
The output file format is the same as defined in brfop
*: if available, otherwise set to −1.000000.
76 5 1.000000 0.349066 1.308997 -1.570796 0.422619 -1.000000 0.349066 1.274090 -1.570796 0.421888 -1.000000 0.349066 1.239184 -1.570796 0.420397 -1.000000 0.349066 1.204277 -1.570796 0.418608 -1.000000 0.349066 1.169371 -1.570796 0.416181 -1.000000 0.349066 1.134464 -1.570796 0.413340 -1.000000 0.349066 1.099558 -1.570796 0.410499 -1.000000 0.349066 1.064651 -1.570796 0.407356 -1.000000 0.349066 1.029744 -1.570796 0.403885 -1.000000 0.349066 0.994838 -1.570796 0.400383 -1.000000 0.349066 0.959931 -1.570796 0.397118 -1.000000 0.349066 0.925025 -1.570796 0.393745 -1.000000 0.349066 0.890118 -1.570796 0.390221 -1.000000 0.349066 0.855211 -1.570796 0.386832 -1.000000 0.349066 0.820305 -1.570796 0.383651 -1.000000 0.349066 0.785398 -1.570796 0.380617 -1.000000 0.349066 0.750492 -1.570796 0.377556 -1.000000 0.349066 0.715585 -1.570796 0.374610 -1.000000 0.349066 0.680678 -1.570796 0.371996 -1.000000 0.349066 0.645772 -1.570796 0.369534 -1.000000 0.349066 0.610865 -1.570796 0.367106 -1.000000 0.349066 0.575959 -1.570796 0.364795 -1.000000 0.349066 0.541052 -1.570796 0.362805 -1.000000 0.349066 0.506146 -1.570796 0.361052 -1.000000 0.349066 0.471239 -1.570796 0.359393 -1.000000 0.349066 0.436332 -1.570796 0.357765 -1.000000 0.349066 0.401426 -1.570796 0.356486 -1.000000 0.349066 0.366519 -1.570796 0.355300 -1.000000 0.349066 0.331613 -1.570796 0.354271 -1.000000 0.349066 0.296706 -1.570796 0.353392 -1.000000 0.349066 0.261799 -1.570796 0.352719 -1.000000 0.349066 0.226893 -1.570796 0.352157 -1.000000 0.349066 0.191986 -1.570796 0.351708 -1.000000 0.349066 0.157080 -1.570796 0.351353 -1.000000 0.349066 0.122173 -1.570796 0.351117 -1.000000 0.349066 0.087266 -1.570796 0.350951 -1.000000 0.349066 0.052360 -1.570796 0.350809 -1.000000 0.349066 0.017453 -1.570796 0.350762 -1.000000 0.349066 0.017453 1.570796 0.350762 -1.000000 0.349066 0.052360 1.570796 0.350809 -1.000000 0.349066 0.087266 1.570796 0.350951 -1.000000 0.349066 0.122173 1.570796 0.351117 -1.000000 0.349066 0.157080 1.570796 0.351353 -1.000000 0.349066 0.191986 1.570796 0.351708 -1.000000 0.349066 0.226893 1.570796 0.352157 -1.000000 0.349066 0.261799 1.570796 0.352719 -1.000000 0.349066 0.296706 1.570796 0.353392 -1.000000 0.349066 0.331613 1.570796 0.354271 -1.000000 0.349066 0.366519 1.570796 0.355300 -1.000000 0.349066 0.401426 1.570796 0.356486 -1.000000 0.349066 0.436332 1.570796 0.357765 -1.000000 0.349066 0.471239 1.570796 0.359393 -1.000000 0.349066 0.506146 1.570796 0.361052 -1.000000 0.349066 0.541052 1.570796 0.362805 -1.000000 0.349066 0.575959 1.570796 0.364795 -1.000000 0.349066 0.610865 1.570796 0.367106 -1.000000 0.349066 0.645772 1.570796 0.369534 -1.000000 0.349066 0.680678 1.570796 0.371996 -1.000000 0.349066 0.715585 1.570796 0.374610 -1.000000 0.349066 0.750492 1.570796 0.377556 -1.000000 0.349066 0.785398 1.570796 0.380617 -1.000000 0.349066 0.820305 1.570796 0.383651 -1.000000 0.349066 0.855211 1.570796 0.386832 -1.000000 0.349066 0.890118 1.570796 0.390221 -1.000000 0.349066 0.925025 1.570796 0.393745 -1.000000 0.349066 0.959931 1.570796 0.397118 -1.000000 0.349066 0.994838 1.570796 0.400383 -1.000000 0.349066 1.029744 1.570796 0.403885 -1.000000 0.349066 1.064651 1.570796 0.407356 -1.000000 0.349066 1.099558 1.570796 0.410499 -1.000000 0.349066 1.134464 1.570796 0.413340 -1.000000 0.349066 1.169371 1.570796 0.416181 -1.000000 0.349066 1.204277 1.570796 0.418608 -1.000000 0.349066 1.239184 1.570796 0.420397 -1.000000 0.349066 1.274090 1.570796 0.421888 -1.000000 0.349066 1.308997 1.570796 0.422619 -1.000000