Total transmission at lower boundary level
This is the fraction of the incident direct radiation - passing through a (virtual) reference surface of specified lateral dimension and elevation above the target, and oriented perpendicular to the underlying surface normal - that passes in downward direction through a second identical (virtual) reference plane located at the level of the background surface at z = ~ 0. ftran_tot includes uncollided radiation, radiation collided with the canopy only, and also contributions due to radiation that is reflected back up from background before being scattered down to the background again by the canopy.
ftran_tot = ftran_uc + ftran_coco + contribution from radiation bouncing back and forth between canopy and background.
This measure applies to all scene in RAMI-V and only the bands included in the Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) spectral region (400-700 nm). Hence in RAMI-V they are O03 (442.5nm), O04(490nm), O06(560nm), O08(665nm), O10(681.25nm).
Illumination to be considered are either direct illumination as defined in brfpp, as well as isotropic diffuse.
*: if available, otherwise set to −1.000000.
0.123456 -1.000000