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Model: row

Phase: RAMI IV

A computationally efficient reflectance model for row planted canopies has been developed through separating the contributions of incident direct and diffuse radiation scattered by row canopies: it allows calculating the reflectance spectrum in any given direction for the optical spectral region. The performance of the model is evaluated through comparisons with field measurements of winter wheat as well as with an established 3D computer simulation model.

A spectral directional reflectance model of row crops
Zhao, F., Gu, X., Verhoef, W., Wang, Q., Yu, T., Liu, Q., Huang, H., Qin, W., Chen, L. and Zhao, L., A spectral directional reflectance model of row crops (2010), Remote Sensing of Environment, 114 (2), 265-285, DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2009.09.018.