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RAMI3 phase

A large number of non-overlapping tree-like entities of different sizes and spectral properties were randomly located across (and only partially covering) a planar surface that represented the underlying soil. Individual tree objects were represented by an ellipsoidal crown located (just) above a cylindrical trunk. The finite sized foliage was randomly distributed within the ellipsoidal volumes that represented the tree crowns, and was characterized by radiative properties (reflectance, transmittance) that are typical for birch trees.

From across its southern edge in an northward direction towards the centre of the scene
The figure exhibits a graphical representation of this scene looking from across its southern edge in an northward direction towards the centre of the scene.
Vertically down towards the center of the scene
The figure exhibits a graphical representation of this scene looking vertically down towards the center of the scene.

The zero azimuth line was defined along the northern direction and coincides with the positive X-axis as indicated below:

The zero azimuth line
The zero azimuth line.

The overall architectural characteristics of the scene are as follows:

Scene dimensions: ( ΔX × ΔY × ΔZ)100.0 × 100.0 × 14.5 [m × m × m]
(Xmin, Ymin, Zmin)−50.0, −50.0, 0.0 [m, m, m]
(Xmax, Ymax, Zmax)+50.0, +50.0, +14.50 [m, m, m]
Scatterer shapeDisc of negligible thickness
Scatterer radius0.05 [m]
Scatterer normal distribution in tree crownUniform
Number of trees in scene1800
Fractional scene coverage of ellipsoids0.289
LAI of scene0.388
Spatial distribution of tree locations (X,Y) in sceneRandom (Tree locations are given below)
Stem density [tree/hectare]1800
Mean tree height in scene8.007 [m]

The architecture of this scene contains tree-like entities that are composed of an ellipsoidal crown sitting on top of a cylindrical trunk - which reaches down to the underlying background. The ellipsoidal crowns have circular crossections and reach their maximum width half-way along their vertical length. These geometrical primitives do not overlap and exist in five classes (A - E) with different spectral and structural properties each.

geometrical primitives
Geometrical primitives.
geometrical primitives
Geometrical primitives.

The following table provides the structural properties of the various tree classes:.

Tree categories:ABCDE
Tree height [m]
Single Tree LAI [m² ⁄ m²]0.7511.0811.3401.5751.805
Crown height [m]1.2372.9524.9197.1379.606
Crown width [m]0.6110.9951.431.9372.538
Trunk height [m]1.2632.5483.5814.3634.894
Trunk width [m]0.0140.0330.0540.0780.107
Tree number [/scene]3850798126113

Within the 100×100 m² scene the X,Y location of these tree-like entities is generated in a random manner (Poisson distribution). For the purpose of this RAMI exercise, it is however recommended to utilize the X,Y tree center coordinates as described in the files accessible from the table below:

Tree categories:ABCDE
Tree X,Y centersclass A class B class C class D class E

graphical representation of the tree crown distribution within the scene
Graphical representation of the tree crown distribution within the scene.

Notice that each of the above tree classes (A - E) features its own spectral properties. The table below provides the spectral properties of the various scene constituents for the red spectral band:

Tree categories:ABCDE
Leaf reflectance0.
Leaf transmittance0.
Trunk reflectance0.320.310.300.290.28
Trunk transmittance0.
Tree categories:ABCDE
Leaf reflectance0.490.480.470.460.45
Leaf transmittance0.500.490.480.470.46
Trunk reflectance0.400.390.380.370.36
Trunk transmittance0.

A local transmission transect is defined as series of total (direct + diffuse) transmission measurements carried out at the level of the canopy background (i.e., soil). Twenty-one reference areas of 1 by 1 m² each make up a local transmission transect. For each one of these unit-area surfaces centered at some x,y position, the direct and diffuse radiation impinging upon it at the level of the canopy floor (z = 0) has to be ratio'ed with the radiation impinging upon a similar (1 by 1 m²) reference area centered at the same x,y coordinates but located at the top of the canopy (z = zmax).

Two local transmission transects, centered at the x=0, y=0 coordinates have been specified: The first one is called the X-transect because its various reference areas follow the X-axis (i.e., the transect lies parallel to the incident radiation azimuth), whilst the second one is called the Y-transect and follows the Y-axis (i.e., the transect lies perpendicular to the incident radiation azimuth). Graphical illustration of the X-transect locations at the bottom of the canopy and at the top-of-the canopy, as well as for the Y-transect locations at the bottom of the canopy and at the top-of-the canopy are available.

Graphical illustration of the X-transect locations at the bottom of the canopy
Graphical illustration of the X-transect locations at the bottom of the canopy.
Graphical illustration of the Y-transect locations at the top-of-the canopy
Graphical illustration of the Y-transect locations at the top-of-the canopy.
Graphical illustration of the X-transect locations at the top-of-the canopy
Graphical illustration of the X-transect locations at the top-of-the canopy.
Graphical illustration of the Y-transect locations at the top-of-the canopy
Graphical illustration of the Y-transect locations at the top-of-the canopy..